Seven Taboo Political Subjects

The truth will set us free.

Greg Blonder
2 min readJan 23, 2023

America is a free-speech haven. Or so we like to assume.

There is always a think tank, advocate, pundit or lunatic ready to engage on nearly any subject under the sun, from UFOs to AI to the ABCs. Even the most outlandish speaker can bask in their fifteen minutes of fame.

Yet politicians, who ostensibly reflect the public’s deepest concerns, self-censure when it comes to certain hot-button issues. They instinctively retreat to the safety of talking-points and pandering — — if they ever hope to be elected and returned to office, a few taboo subjects remain off-limits.

Why should we care about these real politik concessions? Politics has always been a messy game. But when important decisions are abandoned to fate over reasoned deliberation, never reach the ballot box for a vote, or are twisted to favor current over future generations of voters, we damage our chances for a better future.

Under the theory that sunlight is the best disinfectant, here is my list of Seven Taboo Political Subjects. These seven topics are disingenuously ignored by mainstream US politicians, leaving just a few extremists, both the rational and more often, the radical, to carry the load. Unfortunately, the rabid extremism of these fringe groups further teaches mainstream politicians to avoid controversial subjects at all costs.

A doom cycle where important decisions are left to chance.

(A few of these topics, like population targets and extending the retirement age do bubble up globally, but not as frequently in the US, except under the fog of crisis)



Greg Blonder

scientist, entrepreneur, teacher. passionate about democracy. a few ideas have merit.